
"Crazy" for the theremin...

I have a slight obsession with the theremin. I just think that they're cool instruments, and sometimes I think I might actually be able out figure out how to use one.

I also have an obsession with cover songs. Personally, I think that one of the most overlooked skills of a great live band is the ability to pick a good cover song and place it well in a set.

Last summer, you could not go 5 minutes without hearing Gnarls' Barkley's "Crazy". The song was literally everywhere. You could not turn on the radio or go out someplace where music was being played--from roller rinks to night clubs to bar mitzvahs and weddings and retirement parties--without hearing the tune.

I'll admit, it's a good tune, and it sure won Song of the Summer as far as I'm concerned. Seems to me that I'm not the only one, as a big trend last summer was the live cover of "Crazy" placed in setlists all over.

I bet none of those versions are quite like this:

Cool cover song + theremin jamming = happiness

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