
The song of the summer (and the accompanying merchandising tie-in)...

Ever since this video for Justice's D.A.N.C.E. dropped I've watched it at least once a day. Not only is the song freakin' awesome, the video itself is visually stimulating enough to keep your eyes on it.

I've made it my goal to play this song an obscene amount of times this summer, so it's fitting that my first real post is about it.

Justice - D.A.N.C.E.

When I first saw this video, I slowly picked my jaw up off of my desk and asked myself "Where can I get one of those awesome t-shirts?" I was thinking of the ones that actually changed their designs and were psychedelically cartoonish, but these limited edition tees by Colette (warning: weird French flash page) will fit the bill. And as far as overpriced, uber-trendy t-shirts go, $66.12 for two ain't that bad. Unfortunately, not even I can fit into an extra-small tee...

I like these two a bit better (and they have medium!)

Any of you that read this blog on the regular or even the semi-regular are gonna find real fast that I have a semi-serious addiction to t-shirts. There are worse things to be strung out on, I guess.

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