Yesterday's 8-bit video put me in a old skool mood, and then I see this in my Inbox this morning. It's a sign, people!
I used to love playing Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!. I remember sitting in my buddy Matt Levy's bedroom when we were little kids and playing the bosses at the end of the game over and over and over and over again before we finally finished the game.
Funny, but I don't remember this level...
I used to love playing Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!. I remember sitting in my buddy Matt Levy's bedroom when we were little kids and playing the bosses at the end of the game over and over and over and over again before we finally finished the game.
Funny, but I don't remember this level...
Was it just me or did the makers of the game intentionally make Mike Tyson way too difficult?
I wonder what they'd say about Iron Mike nowadays... I don't think they'd be making him the star of his own video game, that's for sure...
1 comment:
That's freaking awesome.
I used to get hung up at the 3rd Piston Honda, so I can't tell you if Mike Tyson was impossible to beat. Brings back memories of my mom popping her head in my br door and yelling "stop giving your television the middle finger, or I'll take it away!"
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