
Battles on VBS.tv

I've mentioned the band Battles here before, and my review of their show was a glowing one. They're playing a ton of dates this summer and don't look to be slowing down any time soon. It seems like all sorts of people (and media outlets) have the band on their brains these days.

One of these media outlets is VBS.tv. I recently got turned on to VBS.tv, the visual aspect of Vice Magazine's growing multimedia empire (Vice Records rounds out the audio portion). I started reading Vice Magazine back when it was printed on dirty newsprint and you could get it for free in its first home, the lovely city of Montreal. Now the only way I can get my dose of modern day gonzo journalism is by overpriced subscription (which I am happy to fork over my dough for).

The Vice crew profiled Battles on their short program Practice Space, and I found it to be a pretty interesting look at a very interesting band.

I hope you enjoy.

Take a look at some of the other stuff that VBS.tv has to offer; some of it is really funny (in an obnoxious and irreverent kinda way). Note that many of these clips are not safe for work.

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